www.lori-camicie.com has copyrights on entire content (website name, logo, texts, pictures, photos, videos and audio materials, database, software, programming code). website represent protected copyright act in accordance with law of intellectual property.
Copying, distribution and use of content on website, partially or entirely, in any form, for other purposes (private or commercial) is strictly prohibited. Also, except mentioned, user is forbidden to use any of the website content, partially or entirely, without a previous written permission of the copyright owner. It is allowed to use website in informational purposes only, according to the terms of use.
Milos Bespoke D.O.O. has every rights and special permits for use and publishing content on website lori-camicie.com, that has been taken over by third party, the independent producers.
Unauthorized use, copying or any kind of distribution any part of website or content (website name, logo, texts, pictures, photos, videos and audio materials, database, software, programming code), without permission of the copyright owner, is considered to be copyright infringement and it subjects to lawsuits. For violation any part of terms of use is competent commercial Court in Novi Sad, as well as all international courts, which area of expertise is copyrights protection.